Our Vision Statement

To esteem and assist the local churches of Florida in our mission to reach all people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and influence the civic mission field to govern in such a way that honors and expands Christ’s Kingdom.


PASTORS: You are invited to the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee to participate in the 2025 Florida Capitol Project, the flagship program of the Church Ambassador Network.

From The Blog

What is The Church Ambassador Network of Florida?

Government is God’s Idea.

Scripture tells us that God instituted our civil government to act as ministers of justice to restrain evil, establish peace, and maintain an orderly society. While our government often fails in this duty, it is, nonetheless, a God-ordained and God-created institution made for our good. Our government becomes broken when the Church fails to engage it as a mission field and abdicates its role as “salt and light” to that arena. When the Church engages civic government with the Gospel, it can then operate as God intended it, as a source of blessing for its citizens.

The Church Ambassador Network is a ministry of the “Church of Florida”. We seek to reach out and connect with the 17,000+ evangelical, Bible-believing pastors and churches of Florida to help connect them with their civic representatives. This connection has THREE specific purposes:


1. Prayer

Paul reminds his protege’ Timothy that we are to pray for all those in authority. This included Nero in his era and would include both sides of the aisle and every aspect of state leadership in our era. The Lord is not willing that any should perish and all people should receive ministry from the Gospel. 



There are ways that the State and Church can partner together in order to be a blessing to the people of the state. Obviously, these partnerships are biblically appropriate and serve both institutions’ mission. The Church is uniquely designed by God to provide certain services and helps that the State is simply unable to provide. A great example is the partnership which existed between Nehemiah and King Artaxerses in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem for the inhabitants defense. These partnerships can be used by God in amazing ways. 



The Church needs to have a voice at the table of public policy discussion and debate. A biblical worldview is not simply an option, but a vital source of wisdom through millennia to help people guide their lives and even civic policy. Our desire is to help pastors use their God-given influence for righteous purposes in these important discussions which occur in the halls of government.

We are passionate about this transformative network of churches and about our objective of equipping and mobilizing pastors and the local church to minister to their elected officials – those God has appointed to lead and who need discernment and wisdom as they lead our communities, our state, and our nation.

The Church Ambassador Network is, in every sense, a ministry. It informs and spiritually enriches those in civic leadership, empowers pastors to share the Word and build relationships which is their calling, and it puts biblical truths at the center of decision-making processes.