The FIVE People Groups of the Civic Mission Field

by | Jan 16, 2025 | Civic Mission Field | 0 comments

Local churches have various strategies for implementing the Gospel mission of reaching people for Jesus Christ. This is especially important as laborers are sent to foreign fields as missionaries. The successful missionaries are called, trained, and have a vision for the field to which they are being sent. Upon arrival in their field, they will undoubtedly engage in what I have identified as the “5 People Groups” existing on every mission field. Whether your assignment is a foreign nation, the marketplace, your school, or civic government, these 5 people groups will be present for ministry. Each of these groups will have differing needs and the ministry extended to them will be offered upon the missionary’s discernment of their spiritual state. These 5 groups would be as follows:

1. People who are lost and hostile to the Gospel.

2. People who are seeking and inquisitive about the Gospel.

3. People who say they are Christian but do not bear the fruit or testimony of such a claim.

4. People who are genuine Christ-followers but are undiscipled and inconsistent in applying their faith in a comprehensive way.

5. People who are solid Christ-followers and bearing fruit of His work in their lives in every way.

The civic mission field (civil government) is no different. A civic missionary will find people in each of these five groups. The key to success is developing a discernment and righteous evaluation as to the person you are reaching out to with the truth of the Scriptures. Once that evaluation takes place, it becomes easier to develop an effective, ongoing spiritual strategy to reach that particular person. For example:

Reaching Group 1 people will require patience and prayer. Those who are hostile to the things of God and especially the Gospel will have to be the focus of intercession and a softening of the heart. Eyes that are blind and ears which are deaf do not need to be initially buried with the truth. The Holy Spirit needs His space to apply God’s grace to awaken and draw such a person to the truth of Jesus Christ. The Church Ambassador Network of Florida believes in the power of prayer which will be used by the Lord to soften hardened hearts and prepare the person’s spirit for the seeds of the Gospel. So, developing prayer lists and prayer warriors for people targeted for potential Gospel presentations is essential.

Reaching Group 2 people will require open doors and moments for a Gospel presentation. These people are demonstrating the grace of God penetrating their hearts and preparing their hearts for the reception of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This group also requires a courage from the civic missionary to be faithful and available for such a presentation. This group is on the brink of successful evangelism.

Reaching Group 3 people is in some ways the most difficult task of any people group. Those who say they are Christian but do not demonstrate the fruit or testimony of such a reality are difficult to minister to. Any suggestion that they may not actually have a valid or living faith may produce offense or even alienation. Of course, the Gospel can do that by its very nature, but Holy Spirit inspired moments to have those conversations are still vital for the civic missionary. Truthfully, Group 3 people need to receive a revelation of what it means to be “lost” before the joy and good news of the Gospel truly makes sense. So, as strange as it sounds, we must pray for Group 3 to know their actual spiritual status before the Lord.

Reaching Group 4 people takes the time and commitment of true discipleship and mentoring. It will require the civic missionary to walk with these people and helping them to apply the Scriptures to the personal life and elected office. They must begin to see that Jesus is not “part” of their life, but indeed He is now the totality of their life. It is about His Will and not simply constituencies and polling numbers.

Reaching Group 5 people contains much joy and mutual encouragement. This group needs the civic missionary to come along side of them to refresh them and cheer them in their commitment to follow the Lord Jesus Christ into the arena of public policy. For them, they will need prayer covering and wise counsel for the battles that await them in the halls of government. They need accountability and godly exhortation to maintain the course of keeping Jesus front and center of their life and civic ministry. Our task with this group is to strengthen them for the challenges they will continually face.

Understanding that the civic arena is a mission field with people for whom Christ has died will make it far more Gospel applicable when training pastors and Christian leaders as to their responsibilities when entering this field. Civic engagement is not just about politics, elections, and public policy outcomes. These concerns certainly have their place in all our concerns, but the transformational need of our politics are the people who are involved. This is why the Church Ambassador template of engagement is a fresh wineskin of involvement. Stay connected to this blog page as I will continue to share updates and insights concerning the civic mission field.